


End (2023)

It's the end of the year again, just finished dealing with the year-end summary of the company. 2023 was not a peaceful year, but then again, which year ever is peaceful?

My 2023#

It seems like I made choices time and time again, from R&D to network security, from consulting to educational companies. Although the time was not long, these experiences have deeply touched me. I have always dreamed of something, but fate seems to be playing a joke on me. Making choices always leads to some regrets, whether it's about my career or my significant other.

Just like what Teacher Shi Tiesheng said:

In the summer of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old, he picked up a real gun on the road. Young and ignorant, fearless of the sky and the earth, he pulled the trigger.
No one died, and no one was hurt. He thought he had fired a blank. Later, when he was thirty or older, walking on the road, he heard a faint wind behind him. He stopped, turned around, and the bullet hit him right between the eyes.
On the day when the young you made a choice, standing at the crossroads, you thought it was just an ordinary day in your life, but you never expected this principle to hit you right between the eyes in the future. The mistakes made in ignorance when young felt like a blank shot at the time, but if you discover a real bullet hitting you centuries later. Laziness stolen in your twenties will eventually become the wall that traps you in your thirties.

2023 was a blank year, I still haven't met the right person, nor have I found what I should be doing. Perhaps idealistic emotions will always lean towards the void. I missed many opportunities, but I will definitely seize the next one.

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