


Goodbye Jinan


A few days ago, I took a trip to Jinan. I haven't really taken a break in the past few years of work, so it's about time to stop and rest. Jinan was alright, but there were too many people traveling during the holidays, which greatly affected the experience.

Goodbye Deep Sea (A Bright Moment)
Goodbye Deep Sea (A Bright Moment)

Random Thoughts#

Sometimes, you really need the company of friends to keep moving forward. After all, humans are social animals. Love is always one-sided, and it's always been a tale of unrequited love. I know it's difficult to encounter the kind of pure and admirable feelings we had in our student days, and I've slowly become numb to the process of reporting height, weight, and salary, fearing that in the end, I'll adopt an indifferent attitude of "anyone will do." Instead of persisting in a twisted fate, it's better to go with the flow in matters of the heart.

Work is just work, not the entirety of life. Pay attention to the beauty in life; relationships between people are just ties, so treat those who are worth it well. At twenty-five years old, I don't have much experience with success, and I don't even know what's right. I keep trying and accumulating experiences of failure.
I wish you all the best in trying new things on your life journey~ I don't wish for smooth sailing, but I do wish to overcome challenges.

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