


Essay (2023.9)

Current Situation#

The current work and life have a somewhat bourgeois feeling. It has evolved from thinking about what to eat for lunch to how to make more money every day.

The pace of life is much more relaxed than before, and there is also time to write some code and think about ideas. Finally, there is some output of my own.

However, last night at eleven o'clock, I suddenly had a sense of impending doom, which scared me and made me jump out of bed immediately. In an instant, I felt decades older and felt that nothing mattered anymore. After hesitating for a long time, I turned on the air conditioner and went back to bed.

Future Plans#

  • Establish an anime website similar to dilidili.
  • Use GPT to develop some robots to earn some pocket money.
  • Develop a note-taking software similar to Gridea+IPFS.

Random Thoughts#

We often lack the ability to reflect on our own personality issues and rarely think proactively. The infp personality is perhaps the most worthy of reflection because they tend to be extreme in certain aspects and also tend to be introspective. Some people think and repent repeatedly every day, which leads them into a dilemma. In fact, regretting what has already happened is meaningless, and worrying too much about what may happen in the future is also meaningless. We should calm down.

Sometimes, I also miss the other person and miss the days when they were around. That's how human emotions are. Often, we can only think of someone after they have left. It's like when we were kids, holding one toy in our hands while looking at other toys on the shelf. Luo Xiang once said, "Our love may just be a projection of narcissism." I think this sentence makes a lot of sense.
As the saying goes, "Cut off the beloved before going ashore." Although I am not that kind of person, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Adults have the right to make their own choices. Moreover, what is cut off may not necessarily be the beloved, it may just be a passerby.

Some people, before reaching their goals, choose to say goodbye to their beloved in order to prepare for civil service exams or postgraduate entrance exams. So they attribute the end of a relationship to not loving enough. I don't know what to do, I have no idea. But do your own thing, do it well, and come back happy. It's as ordinary as it gets.
I don't understand why there are so many thoughts that can go unexpressed, relying solely on my own wild imagination.

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