


Essay (2024.1)

These days I have to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and I am woken up every morning, resulting in poor sleep quality. I really miss the days when I could sleep naturally until I woke up.


Recently, I have been interacting with new interpersonal relationships and have found that communication across species is quite difficult, just like chickens and ducks trying to have a conversation. Socializing sincerely does not yield good results. I realize that the establishment of friendship depends not only on sincerity but also on being careful not to be deceived.

The Lunar New Year is coming soon, and I will once again welcome a new year alone. After two years since graduation, I have to admit that there is indeed a sense of emptiness in my heart. However, I have a spiritual obsession with finding a partner, and I am more attracted to those odd people in society.

Just like a child who, after trying all the Lego blocks, becomes curious about Ultraman and monster figurines on the street. I believe that everything is worth a try, and there is nothing that cannot be done.

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