


Essay (2024.3)


Recently, I chatted with one of my teachers about many things, it's about life and work.
On the one hand, I found that everyone is very distressed. Life, emotions, and some trivial matters in education are scattered. Some problems are encountered by everyone, and no one can escape. At home, when we are doing homework, we are given an answer. But during the college entrance examination, civil service examination, who will give us the answers?
On the other hand, everyone's thoughts are moving towards not being eager for fame and wealth, and money is changing like dirt. Maslow divided human needs into five stages:

  1. Physiological needs (such as eating, drinking, excreting, sleeping, etc., these physiological needs are different from sexual needs)
  2. Safety needs (stable job, sufficient financial security)
  3. Social needs (love and sense of belonging, including social circle, love, friendship, family love, religious organizations, etc.)
  4. Esteem needs (achievement, reputation, status, promotion opportunities, etc. When unable to meet, rely on exams, donations, violence, etc. to prove oneself)
  5. Self-actualization (meaning and value of life. Artists, musicians often have "peak experiences")

Coin Circle#

Missed wave after wave of big gains, randomly operating oneself is not as good as holding BTC for the long term. Woke up to find that it had dropped a lot, reluctantly cut losses in the morning, and surprisingly rose back in the afternoon. Listen to advice, it's better to hold on to spot positions as much as possible.
First time liquidated, affecting mood. Still can't believe that my balance turned into so little overnight. The risk of following orders is far greater than the risk of doing contracts. So, I can only continue to wait for opportunities.

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