


Essay (2023.12)

I saw such a big snow for the first time in Tianjin. When I was a child, I always looked forward to snow. During the Chinese New Year, we would build snowmen, have snowball fights, and even put fireworks in the snow and watch them explode quietly as the snowflakes melted.
These days, I have noticed that everyone is eager to be the one who is firmly chosen. Maybe it's just that they haven't met the right person yet. We still need to be patient, who knows what will happen one day.

  • A few days ago, I saw some advice written by seniors on Xiaohongshu, so I'll jot it down.
  • Keep your own money and don't give it to anyone.
  • Try to choose an INFJ as a partner.
  • Can only raise daughters, can't raise sons.
  • Don't become a slave to houses and cars.
  • Prepare for retirement early and avoid anxiety and depression.
  • Understand yourself and human nature.
  • Stay away from people and things that drain your energy.
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