


Essay (October 2023)

The weather is getting colder.#

I feel that my recent state is not good. I even went to see a Chinese medicine doctor recently. The doctor said it's normal, it's just the sadness of autumn. Mentioning autumn brings about an inexplicable melancholy. My values have changed a lot over the past few years of work. They say that you should find someone with compatible values to be together, but it's not easy. Everyone has different living environments, so their reactions to every situation are also different. I tend to agree with the idea of being "strong on the outside, weak on the inside."
Being bullied by colleagues and superiors at work and coming home to vent my anger is not enjoyable. Sometimes, there's no need to explain too much to my family because I've seen others explain too much and in the end, no one convinces anyone. What's the point? Because I value it, I feel angry. It seems that both love and not loving someone can be accompanied by a bunch of excuses, excuses for scolding or hitting someone.

The world is cold.#

Today, an important person passed away and I cried. I don't know what kind of emotion this is, whether it's sentiment or disappointment, helplessness or despair. The road ahead is long, all I can do is hope for the best.

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