


Hello world~ I found a treasure

Hello Web3.0~#


Blogs nowadays face a problem, which is how to achieve permanent preservation. Many content creation websites have closed down within a few years (such as Baidu Blog, Sina Blog, and Tencent Weibo), so I believe that data must be kept in our own hands. I recently struggled with Github page and Hugo, and although Hugo is more programmer-friendly, it deviates from the original intention of simplicity and convenience. Additionally, static hosting websites also face the same problem.
Today, while slacking off at work, I had a sudden idea: what if we combine the BitTorrent protocol with the decentralization of bitcoin to create a whole new experience~


Later on, I came across ZeroNet and Mirror.

  • ZeroNet is somewhat similar to my initial idea, like BitTorrent, but after trying it out, I found that hardly anyone uses it and it also has limitations on the size of web content, with slow speeds overall. The experience is quite poor.
  • I'm more interested in Mirror. The frontend looks great, and I really like the overall style. The only drawback is that the platform is more focused on content creation rather than blogs. The pseudo-decentralization feature is too obvious, and it has significant limitations.
  • xlog is a website that I've encountered that is more in line with my ideas, using Next.js+IPFS. Although it's not perfect, I hope it can continue to improve in the future.


One day, if the Interstellar Alliance goes bankrupt (at the policy level), then these ideas will remain theoretical feasibility. The internet has developed too rapidly in the past decade. Looking back at the internet ten years ago, grand web games and 5d6d no longer exist. Tianya has shut down, and various "groups" and "discussion groups" have replaced "forums". One day, everything will be regulated, and Web3.0 is a beautiful hope.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.